Čo je xbrl


Accueil par Gilles Maguet, Délégué général XBRL France et CEO XBRL Le Moal-Joubel, Président de XBRL France, co-responsable du pôle XBRL, à la 

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available and global framework for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the expression  Co je XBRL? XBRL je zkratka pro eXtensible Business Reporting Language. X také znamená XML, počítačový jazyk podobný HTML, který je výkonným  3. únor 2021 Závěrem je zmíněnafunkce neziskové organizace XBRL výkazy mohou být regulovány co do obsahu jejich jednotlivých položek, avšak  PDF | Se hace una valoración del estado actual del estándar XBRL a nivel mundial, XML, un lenguaje de anuales enviados al Banco Nacional de Bélgica. 1. duben 2020 XBRL, což je zkratka pro eXtensible Business Reporting Language, je jazyk Specifikace XBRL vysvětluje, co je XBRL, jak vytvářet instanční  empresariales dio lugar a la aparición del XBRL (eXtensible Busin ess Reporting .

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Therefore, if a particular concept does not already exist in a public taxonomy there is the ability to add to or change the elements to meet the company’s needs; called extending the taxonomy. XBRL bukanlah sebuah merek software atau aplikasi yang akan menggantikan sistem yang sudah ada. XBRL bukanlah suatu standar akuntansi baru, dan penerapannya tidak merubah standar akuntansi yang sudah diterapkan. XBRL juga tidak akan mengubah format pelaporan. XBRL bukanlah chart of accounts dan juga bukan alat penerjemah chart of accounts. See full list on xbrl.org XBRL in South Africa: An Update. By Amber De La Haye.

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Čo je xbrl

We are committed to improving reporting in the public interest. XBRL is used around the world, in more than 50 countries. eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is a freely available global framework of accounting standards used for exchanging business information. XBRL is based on XML coding and is a XBRL International has published a new tutorial showing how the new xBRL-CSV specification can be used to handle a variety of common reporting scenarios.

Čo je xbrl

Boritz, J.E., Jap Efendi, University of Sydney and Jee-Hae Lim, University of Waterloo. Computer-Assisted Functions for Auditing XBRL-Related Documents . Co-Senior Editor, Journal of Information Systems , 2020-2022; Editor-in-Chief

Čo je xbrl

XBRL juga tidak akan mengubah format pelaporan. XBRL bukanlah chart of accounts dan juga bukan alat penerjemah chart of accounts. See full list on xbrl.org XBRL in South Africa: An Update. By Amber De La Haye. This is a guest post from The South African Companies and Intellectual Property Commission. For a number of regulatory bodies around the world, the monitoring and oversight roles they play are made more complex by the changing context in which they function.

Čo je xbrl

markup language) kombinuje text a informáciu o texte (metainformáciu).Metainformácia, napríklad o logickej štruktúre alebo spôsobe prezentácie textu, sa vyjadruje použitím značiek (markup), ktoré sú premiešané s primárnym textom. Čo sa týka durácie, tak ide o položku vo výkaze SE.06.02, v stĺpci C0360 „Durácia" a platí len pre kategórie CIC 1, 2, 4 (ak je to uplatniteľné, napr. pre podnik kolektívneho investovania investujúci najmä do dlhopisov), 5 a 6.

Čo je xbrl

skonsolidowane raporty roczne zgodnie z MSSF mają obowiązek przygotować je w formacie XBRL. J.E. Boritz, W.G. No, Assurance Reporting for XBRL: XARL (eXtensible Assurance Report- ing Language), [w:] Co roku amerykańska Rada Standardów Ra-. 19. září 2019 iXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language) je značkovací jazyk XHTML rozšířený o taxonomii XBRL. Kontakt: Co budete muset:. Co to jest „Kod grupy”, „Kod jednostki” w sprawozdaniu LE i gdzie należy je wprowadzić?

Keywords: XBRL; electronic financial reporting; instance documents; taxonomy extension An independent coder unaware of the research objective and one co-author classified each advantage Boritz, J.E., and W.G. No. 2008. 14 Dec 2013 mandatory adoption of XBRL on organizations' cost of capital and [9] J.E. Boritz , W.G. No, The SECs XBRL voluntary filing program on EDGAR: a case for In addition, she has authored and co-authored case studies. Keywords: XBRL, earnings management, financial reporting, discretionary accruals Coca Cola Co's consolidated balance sheet for year 2009 (source: SEC website) Hunton,J. E., Libby, R. and Mazza, C. L. (2006) Financial reportin 13 Lis 2019 XBRL – nowy standard raportów rocznych dla emitentów – rewolucja w sprawozdawczości? Zmiany w prawie, czyli co nas czeka są jasno określone , porównywalne oraz można je łatwo przekształcać na inne formaty. 31 Dic 2016 co), ii) la naturaleza de los mercados y su papel como posible transmisor El etiquetado se realizará en XBRL y se tomará como base para su taxonomía je de la regulación europea actual en diversos escenarios de  Título : Homogenización y comparabilidad de la información financiera a través del XBRL. Otros títulos : Homogenization and comparability of financial  20.

XBRL is based on XML coding and is a XBRL International has published a new tutorial showing how the new xBRL-CSV specification can be used to handle a variety of common reporting scenarios. The tutorial walks readers through the features of the specification, explaining how CSV tables can be used to efficiently represent reporting data, and is accompanied by a set of example xBRL The X in XBRL stands for eXtensible. Therefore, if a particular concept does not already exist in a public taxonomy there is the ability to add to or change the elements to meet the company’s needs; called extending the taxonomy. XBRL bukanlah sebuah merek software atau aplikasi yang akan menggantikan sistem yang sudah ada.

The Workiva team provides global XBRL and Inline XBRL ® consulting and tagging services. Expertise and support is available for submissions to regulators, including SEC in the United States (supporting US GAAP and IFRS Taxonomies), HMRC in the United Kingdom and CIPC in South Africa. A brief overview of XBRL with an introduction to the XBRL tools http://www.altova.com/solutions/xbrl-tools.html in the Altova MissionKit, which can help you Toto je zámerné v systéme Windows 8.1 a Server 2012-R2. Vráti najnovšiu verziu systému Windows, o ktorej aplikácia tvrdí, že ju podporuje, cez manifest aplikácie. Inno setup verzie 5.5.3 a nižšie boli označené iba ako kompatibilné až do Windows 8.

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6,074 likes · 52 talking about this. Všetko čo je krasne okolo nas Proven leaders in XBRL support. The Workiva team provides global XBRL and Inline XBRL ® consulting and tagging services. Expertise and support is available for submissions to regulators, including SEC in the United States (supporting US GAAP and IFRS Taxonomies), HMRC in the United Kingdom and CIPC in … See contact information and details about Škola ? To čo je ? xD.

1 May 2016 Research is also necessary on XBRL and accounting education. Boritz, J. E., and W. G. No. Coopers & Lybrand, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Ernst & Whin- ney, Peat Marwick Main & Co, Price Waterhouse, and

XBRLS (XBRL Simple Application Profile) is an application profile of XBRL.. XBRLS is designed to be 100% XBRL compliant. The stated goals of XBRLS are "to maximize XBRL's benefits, reduce costs of implementation, and maximize the functionality and effectiveness of XBRL". Integrované vykazovanie Inline XBRL a správa dokumentov; čo je pre spoločnosti príležitosť ako zlepšiť spoluprácu s investorskou komunitou a zainteresovanými stranami a zlepšiť The XBRL SA jurisdiction was founded on the 7th of November 2005, facilitated by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), in order to promote the use of XBRL standard in South Africa, organize the creation of XBRL taxonomies, conduct relevant education activities and liaise with regulatory and market stakeholders. Oct 16, 2020 · XBRL puts a set of tags on data so that the computer can process the data. The coding also denotes whether a piece of data is a percentage, fraction or amount of currency . Because it is "extensible," companies and entities can customize it to meet their individual needs.

X také znamená XML, počítačový jazyk podobný HTML, který je výkonným  3. únor 2021 Závěrem je zmíněnafunkce neziskové organizace XBRL výkazy mohou být regulovány co do obsahu jejich jednotlivých položek, avšak  PDF | Se hace una valoración del estado actual del estándar XBRL a nivel mundial, XML, un lenguaje de anuales enviados al Banco Nacional de Bélgica. 1.